Swag Never Sleeps

The Blog of the Modern Urban Gentleman

Monday, January 4, 2010

www.tips-fb.com Welcome Back!

Let me be the first to wish all of my swaggerful gentlemen and those of you who are just joining us and those who are just stopping by a happy new year. It’s 2010, and that not only means the start of a new decade, but also the opportunity for self-improvement. I placed my blog on hiatus and went on sabbatical shortly after the creation of my second blog Swag For Her. I carefully analyzed my blog and found ways that I wanted to evolve it and simultaneously help it to grow. In order to do that, I had to take a critical look at myself and find out what direction I wanted to go in my life and I wanted my blog to reflect that. I had to examine what parts of myself I wanted to celebrate and what parts of myself that lost that I wanted to recover. I hope that in 2010 Swag Never Sleeps as well as Swag For Her evolve to become established beacons of self-improvement and advancement. I want this next decade to usher in a revolution that encourages others to also examine their lives and look for ways to improve and become more effective and efficient persons. So to all of you readers out there, you’re never far from my thoughts. And as I continue on in my own journey, I hope I can share those lessons with you as well. And remember, swag never sleeps.


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